Thursday, August 30, 2007

The World Prays For Our Iraq

and prays,

and prays,

and prays,

and prays,

and prays,

and prays,

and prays,

and prays,

for peace,

with compassion.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

God's Work

As night turns to day
I see the swords of man
Weilding wildly about
Slicing through the air
Slashing the flesh of man
Man killing man
Doing God's work
Judging without justification
Slaughtering humanity
Stomping the corruption
Grinding into the ground
The Devil's seeds
Seperating the good from the evil
Casting out the weak
Gathering the masses of strength
The hands of fate
Ruling the lands
The man of God arises
Bloodied canvas of grass
Beneath his feet
Good book in hand
Gripping his faith
Holding a silent vigil
For souls lost in battle
At his feet
One man's cry
To his side he kneels
Hand in hand
Together they pray
Opening heaven's gates
Stairways full
Rising slowly
Lifting tortured souls
From their earthbound hell
A golden winged angel
Guiding forth
A new existence
For all eternity

will we stop this someday?

Monday, August 27, 2007

my heart

I lost the key to my heart
I lost it at your feet sweet heart
If you ever find it…
Unlock it gently
And come aboard my ship of dreams
Lets sail away
Till the moon drops
And the stars fade away
Until the earth becomes our Eden
Like the indigo heaven above
Whether the weather is fine
Or whether it is not
Lets make this dream just fine
I lost the key to my heart
So if you find it by your feet
Come aboard my ship of dreams
Let’s sail away
Until the moon drops
And stars fade away
Then let’s go down to the meadow
Let’s chase butterflies
Joy is everywhere…you know
Since I lost the key to my heart
So find it now
And unlock it gently
Then listen very carefully for a while
Then see the contentment
In every smile

Sunday, August 26, 2007

A Mother's Love

How deep is a mother's love?

How far does a mother's love go?

Is there a limit to her love?

Is there always enough of her love?

A mother will for the love of her children,

Do the things ordinary beings will not do,

Things that are seen as a bother,

She has them done without much fuss.

Always making sure there is ample food for all,

Hiding her countless worries for her children,

Swallowing anger when her pride is bruised,

Forgiving the very child who hurt her feelings.

Taking under her loving and gentle wings,

The little children of her own children,

Pouring her unmatched devotion and affection,

Spelling out the great depth of her endless love.

Now tell me can you measure a mother's love?

for you

Woman in the moonboat -

She said she was my light,

hers was the voice that beckoned me

within that darkened night.

Spirit on the water, riding on the moon,

enchanted, enthralled,

my soul was by her pure mysterious tune.

Sing to me your lullaby,

immerse me with thy sacred shroud,

pierce me with thy deepest chord

with power to break the darkest cloud.

"Twas in the haunting melody

she gave to me alone -

an ancient hymn of Wisdom

that told me I was home.

Though now your face I gaze upon,

I have known thee long before,

thy treasure always mine to hold,

need only I unlock the door

A gift

Melancholy may enter your soul,

and ambush your happiness;

but it will prepare you for true joy.

Melancholy drives out all other emotions and feelings,

so the source of all goodness may occupy the whole house.

It shakes the yellow leaves from the tree,

allowing fresh leaves to grow.

It pulls up old bodily pleasures by the roots,

allowing divine spiritual pleasures to be planted.

Melancholy takes many things from the soul,

in order to bring better things in return.


Saturday, August 25, 2007


The whispering of his soul upon my body

Makes my existence more profound

And our desire more precious.

His radiance fortifies me

And all l shall ever want is

To savor his embrace

Under the sheltering skies

Of our love.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Free Fall

Your face lights up
Your smile is like the sun
You light up the midnight sky
A torch for every one
Show me how to fly
I know that we can pass the time
By learning how to fall in mid flight
Iv'e listened to all the bullshit
And don't believe a word they say
I think we should climb to the top
And let us free fall
Your love makes me want more
We could go on forever,
so high
I'll never give up on you
I know we'll get through
And I know how hard you try
Your face is all I ever see
Your always in my mind
You light up the midnight sky
A torch in this dark world
I'm glad that you'r mine
We don't need to abide by their rules
And if we did we'd only be fools to ourselves
So lets add a little trust and take away self doubt
Let us stand on our own feet
And move forward
Show me how to fly
I know that we can pass the time
By learning how to fall in mid flight
Lets climb to the very top of our desire
Be immersed in holy fire
As we move inside each other
Let this love carry us higher
Up and up,on and on
Up and up,on and on
Forever my Baha...forever...

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

almost there

Smaller than a grain of rice,
smaller than a grain of barley,
smaller than a mustard seed,
smaller than a grain of millet,
smaller even than the kernel
of a grain of millet is the Self.
This is the Self dwelling in my heart,
greater than the earth,
greater than the sky,
greater than all the worlds.
love you my life- myself- my all

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Maybe I'll weep before I die
Lying by you, my love, and cry
Feeling your heart beat close to mine
Probing your eyes for the last time
Maybe your tongue will taste my tears
While your sweet words will soothe my ears
And with my face I'll touch your hair
Its fragrance shielding off despair
Maybe I'll run my fingers close
Along your lips, your brow, your nose
As to remember beyond death
Their subtle lines and how they met
And while we're holding us so near
Then Death, the Still One, may appear
The breath from my kiss He takes away
And bids me come without delay
I'll feel Him stealing your embrace
Your very face becomes His face
My mind, my soul He turns to Him
My heart grows faint, my eyesight dim
Already I am facing black
And when I struggle to look back
Maybe I'll catch a fleeting glimpse
Of you holding still my lifeless limbs ...

Monday, August 13, 2007

The children

“Your children are not your children.

They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.

They come through you but not from you,

And though they are with you, and yet they belong not to you.

You may give them your love, but not your thoughts,

For they have their own thoughts.

You may house their bodies but not their souls,

For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,

which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.

You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.

For life goes not backward, nor tarries with yesterday.”

- Kahlil Gibran(Poet and Philosopher)

To live like a tree, lonely and free

To live as brothers like trees in a forest,

That dream is ours!

And we make our call to the world with his great poem;

Let's give the world to the children just for one day

like a balloon in bright and striking colours to play with

let them play singing among the stars

let's give the world to the children

like a huge apple like a warm loaf of bread

at least for one day let them have enough

let's give the world to the children

at least for one day let the world learn friendship

children will get the world from our hands

they'll plant immortal trees

Sunday, August 12, 2007

I want him...

I come in the door

I run to the computer,

I am dog tired.

My love has been looking for me

But five hours too early.

I look for him but i know

He is fast asleep in his bed

without me.

My heart breaks for

The time difference,

The miles between us,

The politics of our world.

The loathsome war

That seperates us.

I want him now.

I want him always.

I love him completely.

Friday, August 10, 2007



I had this dream

where I'm standing in the rain holding hands

A beautiful man

who tells me I'm his one and only woman
Tell me if I dream too much

it's just the way I am

Sometimes I need a touch

A reassuring glance
Hold me when I'm down

Clutch me when I frown

Show my eye's what yours see

Tell my ears you love me
I'm in this dream

Snow is falling yet I feel so warm

A beautiful man

harbors all of me inside his arms
Tell me if I feel too strong

my heart is on my sleeve

Wake me when I sleep too long

tell me it's not a dream
Laugh for me when I smile

Hold on to me all the while

I know it's not a dream

I know you love me
Hold your hands over my eyes

Lift your head when I fly

Tell me I'm hopeless

I know it's true
*Hopelessly in love with you*

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Peace Pray

حبية فما بالك سيدي بان شيعتك قد فاضت صبرا بانتظارك يامن دخلت في القلب والروح يا قائم ال محمد قد طال الانتظار ............

الله يا حـامي الشريــــعة

.... أتقر وهي كذا مروعــــــةبك تستغيث وقلبـــــها

.......لك عن جوى يشكو صدوعــةتدعوا وجردُ الخيل مصـغيةٌ

..... لدعوتها سميعـــــــــةوتكادُ السنة السيــــوف

....... تُجيبُ دعوتها سريـــــعةفصدورها ضاقت بسر الـمـ

...... ـوت فأذن أن تذيعــــــةضــــرباً رداء الموتُ يبدو

..... منه محّمرّ الوشيعـــــــةلاتشتفي أو تنزّعــــنَّ

....... غروبها من كل شيعــــــةأين الذريعةُ لا قرار

........ على العدا أين الذريـــــعةلاينجع الإمهال بالعــــاتـ

...... ــي فقم وارق نجيـــــعةللصنعِ ما ابقى الـــتحمّل

......مــوضعاً فدعْ الصنــــيعةطعناً كما دفقت افاويـــق .

.......الحيا مُزن سريعـــــــةيا بن الترائك والبـــواتك

....... مــن ضبا البيض الصنــيعةوعـــــميد كل مغامـــرٍ

........ يـقظ الحفيضة في الـوقيعةتُنميه للعلياء هاشـــــم

....... اهلُ ذروتها الرفيــــــعةوذوا السوابق والسوابـــغ

..... والمثقفة اللموعـــــــةمن كل عبل الساعديــــّن

...... تراه او ضخم الدسيـــــعةان يلتمس غرضاً فـــحدُّ

......الــسيف يجعله شفـــيعةومقارعٌ تحت القنــــــا

....... يـلقى الردىمنه قريــــعةلم يسرِ في ملمومـــــةٍ

........ الا وكان لها طليـــــــعةومضاجعٌ ذا رونـــــــقٍ

...... الهاه عن ضمُّ الضجيــــعةنسيَ الهجوع ومن تيـــقّظ

...... عزمه ينسى هجوعـــــــةمات التصبّر بانتــــظارك

........ ايها المحي الشريعــــــةفأنهض فما ابقى التــحمّل

....... غير احشاءٍ جزوعـــــــةقذْ مزّقت ثوب الاســـــى

....... وشكت لوصالها القطيـــعةفالسيف انَّ به شــــفاء

......... قلوب َ شيعتِك الوجــيعةفسواه منهم ليس ينـــعش

....... هذه النفس الصريعـــــةطالت حبال عواتـــــــقٍ

......... فمتى تعود ُ به قـــطيعةكــــم ذي القعود ودينكم

........ هُدِمَتْ قواعده الرفــــيعةتــــنعى فروع اصولــهِ

......... واصولهُ تنعى فروعــــةفيــه تحكم من اباح اليــ

...... ـوم حرمته المنــــــيعةمــــن لو بقيمة قـــدره

..... غاليت ما ساوى رجيــــعةفأشحذ شبا غضب لــــه

...... الارواح مُذعنةٌ مطيــــعةانْ يدعُها خفّت لدعـــوته

....... وان ثقُلت سريــــــعةواطلب به بدمِ الــــقتيل

........ بكربلاء في خير شــيعةماذا يهيجُكَ إنْ صـــبرتَ

......... لوقعة الطـفّ الفــضيعةاترى تجيئه فجيـــعــة

......... بأمض من تلك الفجـــيعةحيث الحسين ُ على الثرى

...... خيلُ العدى طحنت ظلــوعةقتلته آل امية ضــــامي

......... الــى جنبِ الشرــــيعةورضيعه بدمِ الوريد مخضّبٌ

........ فاطلب رضيعــــــــةيا غيرة الله اهتــــــفي

....... بحميةِ الدين المنيــــعةوضبا انتقامِكِ جــــرّدي

...... لطلا ذوى البغي التليـــعةودعي جنودُ الله تـــــملأ

....... هــــذه الارض الوسيعــةواستأصلي حتى الرضــيع

..... لآ حربٍ والرضيعــــــةما ذنب اهل البيت حتـــــى

..... منهُمُ اخلوا ربوعـــــــةتركوهمُ شتى مصارِ عَـــهم

...... واجمعها فضيعــــــــةفمُغـيّبٌ كالبدر ترتـقبُ

......... الورى شوقاً طلوعــــــةومكابدٌ للسّمِ قدْ ســـقيت

...... حشاشته نقيعـــــــةومضرّجٌ بالسيــــف آثرَ

......... عزه وابى خضوعــــــةالــــقي بمشرعة الــردى

....... فخراً على ضمأٍ شروعــةفــقضى كما أشتهت الحمية

..... تشكرُ الهيجاء صــنيعةومصفّدٌ لله ســــــلم

....... امر ما قاسى جميعـــــة فـــلقسره لم تلقى لولا

....... الله كفاً مستطيـــــعةوسبية باتت بافعـــــى

...... الهم مُهجتُها لسيعـــــةسلبت وما سلبت محــــامد

...... عزها الغرّ البديعــــــةفلتغدُ اخبية الخـــــدود

...... تطيح اعمدها الرفيعــــةولتبدُ حاسرةً عن الــــوجه

..... الشريفةُ كالوضيــــعةفـــــآرى كريم من يواري

........الخدر آمنة منيعـــــــةوكــرائمُ التنزيل بين امية

........ بـــرزت مروعـــــــةتدعوا ومن تدعــــــــوا

........ كفاة دعوتها صريعـــــةوآها عرانين العلـــــــى

....... عادت انوفكمُ جديعـــــةماهز اضلعكم حــــــــداء

....... القوم بالعيس الظليعـــةحُــمِلت ودائعكـــم الى من

........ ليس يعرف مالوديعــــةيا ضلَّ سعيِكِ امــــــةً

....... لم تشكر الهادي صنيـعـةأأضعتي حافظ ديــــــنه

....... وحفظتي جاهلة مضيعـــةآل الرساله لم تـــــــزلْ

......... كــبدي لرزؤكـمُ صديـعةولكم حلوبة فكـــــــري

........در الثنا تمري ضروعــــةوبكم اروض من القوافــــي

...... في كل فاركةٍ شموعــــةتحكي مخائلهــا بـــروق

....... الغيث معطيةٌ منوعـــــةفلديّ وكفهــــا وعنـــه

....... سواي خلبهـــا لموعـــةفتقبلوها انني لغــــــدٍ

....... اقدِمُها ذريعـــــــــةارجو بها في الحشر راحــــة

..... هذه النفس الهلوعــــــةوعليكم الصلوات مـــــــا

.....حنـت مطوقةٌ سجوعــــة

Sunday, August 5, 2007

The one

I want to hold him tight and never let him go

Because there is 1 reason that makes me know.

that he is the one

he reminds me of the moon, the stars the

Rain and the sun.

At night when I think about him,

I just look up at the moon, and I know that he sees it too.

To me the stars represent everyone.

But the star closest to the brightest one is me next to you.

the rain is a sign of trouble thats coming my way.

while I think to myself please God, not today.


You see I am the moon and he is the sun.

when the sun goes down...

I'm the only one.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


The Rest

The rest of us watch from beyond the fence

as the woman moves with her jagged stride

into her pain as if into a slow race.

We see her body in motion

but hear no sounds,or we hear

sounds but no language; or we know

it is not a language we know

yet. We can see her clearly

but for her it is running in black smoke.

The cluster of cells in her swelling

like porridge boiling, and bursting,

like grapes, we think. Or we think of

explosions in mud; but we know nothing.

All around us the trees

and the grasses light up with forgiveness,

so green and at this time

of the year healthy.

We would like to call something

out to her. Some form of cheering.

There is pain but no arrival at anything.

Margaret Atwood