Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Secret of Love

Love. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear that word? Anger? Romance? Enjoyment? Our emotions are automatically triggered, faulting our judgment at the very moment it crosses our mind.

In today's society of television and the Internet, life is exaggerated to its greatest extent. When you wake up in the morning and turn on the TV, what's on? Some soup opera about a steamy romance gone wrong. In the afternoon, we see talk shows about a woman who has cheated on her husband and doesn't know who her baby's father is. Then, in the evening we see either an out of shape husband with a super model wife who never get along or a nighttime drama about men and women having flings.

The answer is not simple. After years of watching television, movies, and reading books, we are tainted with false-truths which distort our thinking. Once we find someone, we never stop wondering whether this person is cheating or if they are real.

We don't! We let our lives be our lives and not let our minds get in the way. We try to realize that television is just television and the Internet is just the Internet. Just because Sally Jane's husband is cheating on her doesn't mean that your boyfriend is doing the same. Not all men are the same, no matter what your mother told you. And sorry guys, but not all women are the same either.

Love is everywhere! It's at the grocery store, at the gym, even at the gas station. There isn't a set time or place where love happens.

Just because you believed you met the perfect person, then later find you don't match doesn't mean you are a bad person or that you should give up. In fact, check it off as a learning experience. The more bad relationships you have the more you grow as a person; you start to learn more about what your likes and dislikes and how to find out more.

I've never had the chance
To kiss your beautiful lips
To hold you tight all day
To run my fingers through your hair
Or talk to you till the sun comes up
My mind says this won't be so
But my heart knows different
Someday I will do these wonderful things
And never let you go
No matter how long it takes
No matter how many tears it makes
I will see youKiss you
And hold you
Until the end of time
Gary R. Hess

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