Wednesday, July 4, 2007

~fade with me~

Remember, Dear One

that dreams fly on wings

that soar in your heart

and every star in the sky

may be wished upon

what path you tread

is yours to choose

each one leading to magic and adventure

clustered crystals illuminate each step

and freedom is within reach.


like moonbeams

dancing across

the pristine snow

like stars in the

blanket of midnight

we'll know

we'll fly on wings

of lover's dreams

our hearts afire

flaming with desire

like children

as they play

we'll be free

in everyway


of birds will sing

and whispers

of the trees


in the breeze

dizzying love

arms wide open

gaze up above

come dance

with me

come fade away

and lose yourself

in my touch

Come my husband...let us love

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