Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I press my fingers

Into chocolate earth,

Feel the faint pulse

Of unborn seeds.

Morning sun strokes

The damp ground.

Come plant with me!

Baby open tiny leaves

Like an infant’s palms.

Midday brightness

Caresses my skin.

ISprinkle small sprigs

With my fingertips.

I shower cool water

Over spongy soil,

Smile as it trickles

In slender ribbons.

My plants bathe

In afternoon gleam.

I pick ripe tomatoes,

Pop them through lipsparched from thirst.

Sweet strawberry buds

Dangle like tiny bells

In evening’s last rays.

The sun bids farewell,

Reeling in last beams

Like a fisherman.

LunaSails by silvery stars

Like paper boats floating

In a dark blue pond.

Come plant with me!

Rachael Kim, age 16

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