Sunday, August 19, 2007

Maybe I'll weep before I die
Lying by you, my love, and cry
Feeling your heart beat close to mine
Probing your eyes for the last time
Maybe your tongue will taste my tears
While your sweet words will soothe my ears
And with my face I'll touch your hair
Its fragrance shielding off despair
Maybe I'll run my fingers close
Along your lips, your brow, your nose
As to remember beyond death
Their subtle lines and how they met
And while we're holding us so near
Then Death, the Still One, may appear
The breath from my kiss He takes away
And bids me come without delay
I'll feel Him stealing your embrace
Your very face becomes His face
My mind, my soul He turns to Him
My heart grows faint, my eyesight dim
Already I am facing black
And when I struggle to look back
Maybe I'll catch a fleeting glimpse
Of you holding still my lifeless limbs ...

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