Friday, September 14, 2007

The ticking of the clock

As it slowly makes its way

Across the spaces in my mind,

Filling me with nothing more

Than its constant din

Is like a slow cruel death;

I catch myself gazing at its

Somber visage time and time again.

The flow of my life's blood

Surges and then ebbs as

I try in vain to remain calm,

Making me feel like I'm walking

On a narrow steel girder,

Miles above the ground;

And still the hands creep

Slowly past each number,

Making me doubt my very sanity.

Images of our time alone together

Tempt me in vivid technicolor;

In my mind, I try hard not to rush,

Forcing myself to be patient,

Wanting it to last as I feel

His love infuse me.

And I know, as the cadence

Accelerates mercilessly onward

That I will wish for this painful

Lingering torture as I lie in his arms

At last.

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