Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Black Cumin-Nigella

Habbatul Barakah (Black Seed)"The Seed Of Blessing"

By CalgaryIslam.com Editoral StaffNarrated Abu Hurairah (Radhiallaahu 'anhu):

I heard Allah’s Messenger (Sal-Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) saying,

“There is healing in black seed for all diseases except death.”

[Meaning of Sahih al-Bukhaaree, Book of Medicine, Hadeeth No. 5688]

Black Seed is also known as Black Cummin, Black Caraway & many other names.

It's botanical name is Nigella sativa.

Published Scientific Reports confirm that Black Seed has an astounding array of health benefits:
Increases immune function.

~ U.S. Patents Sections, Antiviral Agents Bulletin #5,482,711

Black seed stimulates bone marrow and immune cells and raises the interferon production, protects normal cells against cell destroying effects of viruses,

destroys tumor cells and raises the number of anti-bodies producing B cells.

~ Cancer Immuno-biology Laboratory ,

South Carolina Black seed contains valuable unsaturated fatty acids,

for example Linoleic and Gammalinolen acids get into the organism.

By that it possible to reach a synthesis of important immune regulating substances

derived as from Prostaglandin E1.

Linoleic acid stabilizes the cell membranes and Prostaglandin

has the effect of inhibiting inflammation. By that the immune reactions

are stopped which cause the illnesses and which otherwise could be

the start of many chronic illnesses like acne and hayfever right up to cancer.

~ Dr. Peter Schleicher Immunologist, Munich, Germany

Black seed proves to have an ant histamine, ant-oxidant, anti-biotic,

anti-mycotic and broncho-dilating effect.

~ Study of Black seed oil o­n humans, American Scientists

Black seed is truly a remarkable herb that has been used for over 3000 years.

It contains over 100 valuable components. It is a significant source

of essential fatty acids, proteins, carbohydrates and other vitamins and minerals.

" The seeds are also rich in sterols, especially beta-sitosterol,

which is known to have anticarcinogenic activity".

~ Dr. Michael Tierra L.AC. O.M.D

Black seed tests prove to be genuine universal remedy.

~ Pharmaceutical newspaper, Wissenschaftlicher Text

Black seed is a valuable source of protein, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids,

vitamins A, B1, B2, C and niacin as well as minerals such as calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, selenium, magnesium and zinc.

~ Phytochemicals of Nigella sativa seeds. Food Chemistry What is Black Seed?
Black Seed is a traditional herb that has been in use for thousands of years

by people living in the Middle East and some parts of Asia and Africa

to promote health and fight disease. It is also known the “Blessed Seed”.
What are the essential properties of Black Seed?
Black Seed herb contains over 100 components, many of which still remain to be discovered.

It is a rich source of unsaturated fatty acids and contains about 35% oil,

21% protein, and 38% carbohydrates. More than 50% of the oil are essential fatty acids.

It’s linoleic acid and gamma linolenic acid content help form Prostaglandin E1,

which helps the body to inhibit infections, balances the immune system,

and regulates allergic reactions. Gamma-linolenic acid also helps stabilize

the cell membrane. Black Seed also contains about .5-1.5% volatile oils including

Nigellone and thymochinon which are responsible for Black Seed’s anti-histamine,

anti-oxidant, anti-infective, and broncho-dialating effect.

What are some of the traditional uses of Black Seed?
Traditionally, Black Seed has been used for a variety of conditions and treatments

related to respiratory health, stomach and intestinal complaints, kidney & liver function, circulatory and immune system support, and to improve general health.

Its can be topically used for eczema, psoriasis, arthritis, inflammation, and scalp massage.

What scientific research has there been o­n Black Seed?
Since 1959, there have been over 200 studies at international universities

and articles published in various journals showing remarkable results

supporting some of its traditional uses. In 1960, Egyptian researchers confirmed that Nigellone was responsible for Black Seeds broncho-dialating effect. Recently scientists in Europe have confirmed the anti-bacterial and anti-mycotic effects of black seed oil. Scientists at the Cancer and Immuno-Biological Laboratory have found that Black Seed stimulates bone marrow and immune cells and raises the interferon production, protects normal cells against cell destroying effects of viruses, destroys tumor cells and raises the number of anti-bodies producing B cells.
What about the effects of Black Seed and Prostaglandin E1 o­n the Immune System?
Through the formation of Protaglandin E1, the complete immune system is harmonized and the body’s over-reactive allergic reactions are stabilized. By also inhibiting infection, the immune system is able to prevent and control chronic illnesses. Healthy cells are protected from the damaging effects of viruses, inhibiting tumors. As a result Interferon cell protein is formed, inhibiting growth of damaging micro-organisms.
Recently independent clinical studies published in the Archives of Aids also established some astonishing effects of Black Seed o­n the defense system by improving the ratio between helper T-cells and suppressor T-cells by a significant amount while also enhancing the natural killer cell activity.
What are some of the other Effects of Black Seed?
Black Seed helps support metabolism, digestion, and lowers blood sugars levels. It has been useful in the treatment of diabetes melitus. In digestive matters, Black Seed helps to stimulate bile and promote regularity, improve digestion, and has been used to fight worms and parasites of the intestinal tract.
What are the overall benefits of Black Seed?
Black Seed is a excellent herb with many benefits, especially when it comes to maintaining a strong and healthy immune system. It is also very useful to individuals suffering from asthma and respiratory complaints, weakened or over-stimulated Immune system, kidney or liver problems, digestive and stomach problems, arthritis and circulatory complaints, allergies and hay fever, and acne. Black Seed is a safe and excellent herb that can be used by anyone. It has no known side effects and has a long history of use for several thousand years.
What is more effective, Black Seed herb or oil?
Both are effective in their own standards. However, Black Seed oil is more concentrated than the herb itself, but many people prefer using the herb to the oil. Caution should be taken when using black seed oil due the fact that many oil products are imported and may be adulterated or mixed with other oils. Some oils coming from the Middle East are extracted with heat and hexane, a petrolium by-product. Always use a product that is labeled as 100%, cold-pressed, solvent free, and packed and sealed by machine.

Nigella is a genus of about 14 species of annual plants in the family Ranunculaceae, native to southern Europe, north Africa and southwest Asia. Common names applied to members of this genus are Devil-in-a-bush or Love in the mist.
The species grow to 20-90 cm tall, with finely divided leaves, the leaf segments narrowly linear to threadlike. The flowers are white, yellow, pink, pale blue or pale purple, with 5-10 petals. The fruit is a capsule composed of several united follicles, each containing numerous seeds; in some species (e.g. Nigella damascena), the capsule is large and inflated. Spread some in your yard, and it will reseed itself every year.

The seeds of N. sativa, known as kalonji, black cumin (though this can also refer to Bunium persicum) or just nigella, are used as a spice in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine. The dry roasted nigella seeds flavor curries, vegetables and pulses. The black seeds taste mostly like oregano crossed with pepper. Most people use it as a "pepper" in recipes with pod fruit, vegetables, salads and poultry.

Other uses
Several species are grown as ornamental plants in gardens, popular for their seed capsules, which are used in dried flower arrangements. Love in the mist are used exclusively for dried arrangements. These flowers are the best to add texture to any dried flower arrangement. The delicate, purple striped pods are used in several arrangements for an airy effect.

In India the seeds are used as a carminative and stimulant to ease bowel and indigestion problems and are given to treat intestinal worms and nerve defects to reduce flatulence, and induce sweating. Dried pods are sniffed to restore a lost sense of smell. It is also used to repel some insects, much like mothballs.

Nigella can be easily dried. Nigella is cut when pods reach maximum size and color. Nigella pods range from deep green to deep burgundy, with stripes in between. The first few pods are picked with as long a stem as possible, one at a time. The plant flowers profusely and so when most of the flowers become seed pods, pull the entire plant and cut the stems. Then wrap a rubber band around a small bundle of stems and then hang them upside down for drying in a dark, airy place until dry.

The traditional uses of Black Cumin ar now confirmed by recent studies. Anti-inflammatory effects are probably due to the antioxidative action of its components thymoquinone and nigellone in ameliorating inflammatory diseases ( upper respiratory conditions, coughs, colds, bronchitis, fevers, flu). It is used to lower blood sugar level and to strengthen the immune system. Nigella contains also carotene which is converted by the liver into vitamin A. Anti-viral action against cold and flu. Dermatological activity acne and eczema. Do not take during pregnancy. Internal and external use
Black cumin Oil in 4 oz / 125 ml: 14.00 €
Black cumin Oil in 8 oz / 250 ml: 23.00 €Black cumin butter (60% raw shea butter - 40% black cumin) in 4 oz / 125 ml: 9.50 €

OriginThe best quality of black cumin comes from Egypt and is cultivated in the Arabian Desert in wide oases. The seeds glimmer soft black and have an aromatic flavour. The seeds contain a very high portion of precious oil. In the Orient black cumin has been used successfully as a remedy and in Europe and in the United States numerous studies have also certified the excellent qualities of this plant.
Contents More than 100 valuable active ingredients, thereunder more than 50 % polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamines, enzymes and essential oils.
EffectsThe contained unsaturated fatty acids are among others responsible for:
cell respiration
rapid healing of wounds
tight and smooth skin
vitalisation of the metabolism
regulation of the blood circulation

In general the Egyptian black cumin oil supports all important dermal functions and strenghtens against all harmful environmental influences. It regulates the immune system and improves the well-being.
GuaranteeOur black cumin oil is 100 % natural. It is exclusively made of the Egyptian black cumin seeds. These are cold pressed in order to preserve the valuble substances of content.Our oil is always analysed by laboratories which are accredited by the state, especially before the encapsulation. Thus we can guarantee a constant high quality and consequently achieve our ultimate ambition: customer satisfaction

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