Thursday, October 18, 2007



We war within our members when rising in desire

conflicts abound from elevated state

we're cast into the fire who contends with us??

frustration cries, while groping for its crime

The Teacher of mankind, in patience is our

Nemesis at this time.

He reveals the place that He abides

and that this place is low instructs that if right here we'll sit

then peace is what we'll know.

this peace is real, there is no other

The physical realm has no plan that's not counterfeit, that's not full of shit

whether it be church or science

presumed power or wealth

if will breaks free from the one

rationalizes selfish ambition

grants distinction and privilege finds its source in the temporal

then two is created and diabolis is born

our internal region becomes war torn so we have no recourse, but to play it out.

In this the hard lesson the insanity and death fear and confusion

a collage of blood and sorrow for those who would wage war

against the One who is Peace, who is Love get a preview of hell and since we're connected,

we all sample it well to perhaps wake us up, give us a clue

whether we be American or Russian or Arab or Jew

democrat or republican or whomever or whatever

to our personal accountability introspections a necessity view clearly our own vanity

find humility in this tragedy

point the finger where it belongs

and pursue Him that makes for our peace

to be ambassadors of the One that reconciles all.

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