Sunday, October 28, 2007

Tired Man Blues

My Love has the Tired Man's Blues.

He gets up in the morning,
After being awake all night.
Goes to buy food for his family,
And then contact his wife.
Works hard in the city,
Where there is nothing of pity.
Home for his noon meal hoping for peace,
How else can he deal with his life?
Out into the garden looking for beauty,
Plants flowers then herbs, this is his duty,
His passion and pleasure.
He prays 5 times a day,
With his thoughts far away
To a home with me where we can be free.

He has all the stress,

All the responsibility of two households.

One there, one here.

And more than that is he responsible for.

He works all day in one way or another,

And his only rest is tenuous.

I love you my tired man.

I want to give you rest,

And Peace.

I wish I had found this pic first...

It doesn't matter though.
I see you and my love for you
Whenever I look at it.
Rest my Love...

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